Posts Tagged 'imagine'

Poza Zilei (63) | My Game Is Fair Play – Ecuson FIFA 2017

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsian. 30, 2017

Poza Zilei (62) | Teren de joc… (im)practicabil?

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsnov. 26, 2016

Poza Zilei (60) | Beau Jeu… mingea oficiala pentru EURO 2016

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsnov. 14, 2015

Poza Zilei (58) | Cu ce se hidrateaza arbitrul asistent?! ;)

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsaug. 02, 2015

Poza Zilei (57) | Atentie la… spuma, domn’ arbitru! Se consuma repede

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsmai 04, 2015

Poza Zilei (56) | Atentie! Suprafata de pedeapsa miroase urat… in Dolj

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsmai 03, 2015

Poza Zilei (55) | Linie de margine… undeva in Prahova

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsmai 02, 2015

POZA ZILEI (54) | Ecuson Arbitru Asistent – Romania 2015

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsmart. 17, 2015

Poza Zilei (53) | Ecuson Arbitru – Romania 2015

Posted by ScoalaDeArbitriNo Commentsmart. 16, 2015


Posted by Cosmin VaidaNo Commentsnov. 21, 2014

Poza Zilei (51) | Avertisment pentru… arbitru

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsaug. 26, 2014

Poza Zilei (49) | Mingea finalei Cupei Mondiale din Brazilia

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiul. 13, 2014

Poza Zilei (48) | Mascotele Cupei Mondiale, din 1966 pana in 2014

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiun. 16, 2014

Poza Zilei (47) | Steagurile echipelor prezente la CM 2014

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiun. 15, 2014

Poza Zilei (46) | Zburatorul Van Persie

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiun. 14, 2014


Poza Zilei (45) | Brazuca

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiun. 13, 2014

Poza Zilei (44) | Fuleco

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsiun. 12, 2014

Poza Zilei (42) | Diana si… uriasul

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 31, 2014

Poza Zilei (42) | Cu sapca – fara sapca

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 14, 2014

Poza Zilei (41) | Pentru ce este utila targa

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 09, 2014

Poza Zilei (40) | Un cuvant pierdut… in Romania. Il declaram NUL

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 07, 2014

PozaZilei (39) | Fotbal cu doi spectatori. Unul era… calul

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 05, 2014

Poza Zilei (38) | Probleme pentru arbitrul asistent?

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 04, 2014

Poza Zilei (37) | Arbitri… Matrioska

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 03, 2014

Poza Zilei (36) | Care o fi fost motivul eliminarii?

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 02, 2014

Poza Zilei (35) | Cu toata echipa pe linia portii

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsmai 01, 2014

Poza Zilei (34) | Ce semnalizeaza micutul… asistent?

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsapr. 29, 2014

Poza Zilei (33) | Pregatirea terenului de joc

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsapr. 28, 2014

Poza Zilei (32) | Un arbitru cu greutate

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsapr. 27, 2014

Poza Zilei (31) | O gramada de arbitri

Posted by Ionut BorcanNo Commentsapr. 26, 2014

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