Imagini de la testarea fizica a arbitrilor din Liga 3 / Piatra Neamt, 10.08.14

Postat de Ionut BorcanNici un comentariuaug. 13, 2014

Teste fizice-PiatraN-L3_10.08.14

DSC05557 DSC05561 DSC05566 DSC05568 DSC05569 DSC05571 DSC05572 DSC05578 DSC05584 DSC05587 DSC05588 DSC05594 DSC05595 DSC05596 DSC05598 DSC05599 DSC05600 DSC05602 IMG_20140810_100159

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Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!Photo of Milford Sound in New Zealand!